Seller Policy
Sellers Policy
Please read these terms of use carefully. by using this platform, you indicate your understanding and acceptance of these terms. if you do not agree to these terms please do not use this platform.
this document is an electronic record in terms of the information technology act, 2000 and rules made thereunder. this electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.
Read this policy in conjunction with Privacy Policy and Terms of Use
Seller Policy Welcome to Alimabd. our selling services (the “Services”). Any person who wants to access Alimabd (the site, mobile app or any other channel) and use the Services to sell items must accept the following terms and conditions without change. by registering for and using the services, you agree to be bound by all terms and conditions listed below, and all policies and guidelines of the site are incorporated by reference.
Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them under the User Agreement.
Seller Registration: A User who wishes to sell items on the Website or app shall register with the Alimabd Seller Registration Facility available online or any other registration method by providing the requisite information/data on the Seller Registration page including details of the seller’s Valid Bank Account. The sellers shall provide true, correct, and duly authorized data/information and shall not be misleading, fraudulent, false, unauthorized and otherwise illegal. The Company has the right to suspend/terminate the Alimabd Seller Registration and the use of the Website and the app by the seller if The company discovers or it is brought to the Company's notice that the aforesaid data is misleading or does not comply with the User Agreement and the rules and polices made thereunder and in such case, the seller shall also be liable for all the liabilities, risks, damages, and consequences that may arise.
Hold, Suspension and Termination of Alimabd Seller Account: In case of any breach or violation or suspected breach or violation of any of the provisions of this policy or the User Agreement, the Company may suspend and/or terminate the Seller Registration or may put the remittances on hold with respect to such Seller. The Company may reinstate or activate seller’s Seller Registration or remit the Transaction Price to seller subject to the Seller providing such information, data, documents and undergoing such verification as may be desired by the Company and as provided in
the User Agreement or the rules and polices made thereunder. Seller’s Registration is subject to the seller remaining an active User of the Website.
Upon identifying or being notified by any person or by law enforcement agency that Seller has violated any law in the performance of the Transaction, the Company may immediately suspend seller’s Registration, notify law enforcement or any other authority including banks for appropriate action or act in any other way to cooperate with authorities or protect its interests.
Invoicing, Shipping & Product Liabilities: Please note that we are a marketplace platform and provide marketplace services to you. We help Buyers and Sellers connect whereby as Sellers you are selling to customers via our platform and we are charging commission for services associated with it.
-For shipping and invoicing,
All COD shipments (if applicable) will be done via Alimabd. For Online payment shipments, the seller can choose to avail Alimabd services or his own.
The Charges for availing logistics services from Alimabd will be conveyed to you at the time of listing and invoicing. This will vary depending on the weight and volume of the product being listed.
In cases of return of a product where the return is arising due to no fault of the customer or Alimabd Logistics services (for example damaged, wrong product, etc,), the shipping cost for returning the product will be borne by the seller.
Any taxation related to sale of your products like GST etc .is your responsibility. Also, liabilities arising from the use, consumption, and/or interaction with your products are solely yours and Alimabd will not be responsible for any loss or damage due to your products.
Know Your Customer (KYC) Documentation: At the time of Seller Registration and/or at any time thereafter and/or from time to time as may be required, the Company may seek KYC Documents from Seller and further usage of the Website/App shall be subject to Seller’s submission of KYC Documents. 'KYC Documents' shall mean such information, data, or documents as may be specified by the Company from time to time which clearly and unambiguously verifies the details, including the Seller’s Bank Account provided by Seller at the time of registration with Facility or at any subsequent date. The Company may seek KYC Documents from the Seller at any point of time during the subsistence of this policy for compliance with the provisions of the User Agreement and the rules and policies made thereunder as well as compliance with applicable laws. The Company has the right to reject any one or more of the KYC Documents submitted by seller and may ask for other documents or further information.
Pricing Policy and Fees: All the sellers registering on Alimabd have to abide by the Pricing Policy explained here. The Company, in future, shall choose to levy charges/ fees from time to time (for providing facilities to sell on the Website) to the Sellers in accordance with the Charges Policy incorporated herein by reference. The Company will provide the Seller with an invoice reflecting the charges on a weekly basis if your products are sold on platform in that week. If the seller avails of any of the services provided under Alimabd Logistics by the Company, the seller will be liable to pay additional fees, charges in respect of the services availed. All charges to sell on our platform will be communicated to you once you provide all mandatory detail for seller registration. In case you want to know more about selling charges on our platform related to your category of products please contact us on The Company may introduce new services and modify some or all of the existing services offered on the Website and/or under Alimabd Logistics. Any such changes shall be effective from the time that the Company posts the same on the Website. The Company reserves the right to set minimum and maximum transaction limits on the Website/app as it may determine for the safety of its Users.
Listing Policy: All listed items must be listed in an appropriate category on the Website/app. You agree not to list and propose to sell any item on the Website that is set out in the list of Restricted Items (Refer to the list at the end). All listed items must be kept in stock for successful fulfillment of sales. No listing can contain a disclaimer that suggests that a sale will be completed or order will be confirmed only if the item is available with the User who is listing the item. You agree that you shall not list an item if you are not in a position to deliver it immediately. You shall not make any listing in the nature of 'wanted advertisements' that do not offer to sell an item but invites Users to make an offer to you for sale of any item. In no circumstances will you attempt to divert any User through your listing to any other webpage or provide him any information in order to conduct any transaction outside of the Website/app. The Company will be required to remove a listing only upon violation of applicable law or terms of the User Agreement. The Company is not deemed to have any knowledge of such prohibitive, restricted, or violative listing until it has been reported to the Company. Upon receiving such a report, the Company will take best efforts to remove such listing at its sole discretion (but will not be liable to do so), within 7 days of receiving such reporting.
No Infringement of Intellectual Property of Company and Third Parties: You must ensure that the listed items do not infringe upon the intellectual property, trademark, copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy rights of any third party. Listings may only include content generated by you in the form of text descriptions, graphics, and pictures that describe your item for sale. You agree that the use of logos or trademark owned by a third-party producer or manufacturer can lead to infringement of the intellectual property rights of such third party. You will be solely responsible for listing and use of such trademark or intellectual property on the Website and will hold the Website and the Company indemnified and harmless against any claim by third parties that may arise in respect of such use. You agree that under no circumstances would you use brand names or trademarks not owned by you unless the item that you are listing on the Website/app carries the brand name or trademark of its original manufacturer or producer. You further agree not to use any intellectual properties of the Website or the Company including its trademarks, brand name in any manner whatsoever. You will not represent to any User or a third party, in any manner, that you are affiliated or associated with the Website or the Company or that you have any right to represent the Website or the Company.
Appropriate Description in Listing: You shall be responsible for providing information relating to the items offered to be sold by you on the Website/app. You undertake that all such information at all times shall be accurate and complete in all respects. The listing description of the item must not be misleading in any manner whatsoever and must describe the actual condition of the item. You shall not exaggerate or over emphasize the attributes of any items you propose to sell on the Website so as to mislead other Users in any manner. If the item description does not match the actual condition of the item, you agree to refund any amounts that you may have received from the buyer including shipping and other transaction charges like payment gateway charges incurred in that transaction. You agree not to use misleading titles for listing and not provide misleading or inadequate information about the location of any listed item. If for any reason you are unable to deliver to any specific location, destination, you must clearly mention the same on the listing. You shall not use unrelated keywords, or brand names (even if such use does not lead to any intellectual property right violation), or text unrelated to the item on offer for sale in your listing. You shall not provide any information such as a catalog of your items in your listing or on the items or packaging thereof which will enable a buyer to contact you outside the Website to buy such items directly from you instead of buying it from the listing on the Website. You shall not solicit Users to send you payments by any method not approved or provided for on the Website by the Company. Any image used in the listing must be of the actual item proposed to be sold on the listing and shall not copy images from other listings available on the Website. You cannot disclaim any liability including liability with respect to authenticity, merchantability of items that you offer to sell on the Website. You shall not endorse any item other than that being listed by you anywhere in the Website/app. You agree not to provide any description in any listing made by you in any manner that suggests you are in any way connected to or are representing or selling on behalf of a manufacturer or producer of the item unless you are the manufacturer or producer, or you have obtained written permission or entered into an agreement with such manufacturer or producer under which you are entitled to represent as such.
Categories: User must take adequate care to list items in the appropriate category. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of listing.
Method of Payment: All online payments and COD (if applicable) will be collected by the Company and will be settled and transferred (after deducting the commission and any other charges liable to the Company) into the seller’s bank account on every week ( day of settlement will be communicated to you via email once you register as seller and provide all mandatory details to start listing).
Return Policy: The seller must follow the rules as per Alimabd “return policy”. At present, a customer can return a product within 7 days of receiving, if: 1. There is a manufacturing defect 2. Wrong product has been shipped 3. Product/Items not according to the description In each of the above cases, the seller bears the responsibility of accepting the returns, as the fault is from his end. In this case, the product will be collected and delivered to the seller by Alimabd, after verifying the claim. The shipping cost and/or any other cost incurred to Alimabd like payment gateway transaction cost etc. because of cancellation, will be borne by the seller. However, the seller will have the right to inspect the product once he receives it. Only after his satisfaction, will we accept the return and process the refund.
Clean Sale: You represent and confirm that you shall be the sole and exclusive legal owner of all items of any description that you propose to offer for sale on the Website. You shall have absolute right free of any encumbrance, lien, hypothecation, mortgage, charge, and adequate title and authority to deal in and offer for sale such items as may be listed by you on the Website.
If it comes to your knowledge that any Transaction or attempted Transaction relating to any item listed on the Website is violative of this clause or this User Agreement or applicable laws, you shall take all steps to inform the Company of the same forthwith.
Unfair Consumer Practice:: You will not engage in any unfair consumer practice or any such practices that are forbidden under applicable laws, including but not restricted to the Consumer Protection Act, 2009.
Feedback: Buyers of items on the Website/app are entitled to write reviews and rate the items as well as the seller on the Website/app. As a seller, you accept that such reviews and ratings may be adverse to your business, economic and other interests including reputation. You hereby relinquish any right you may have to take legal or any other action against persons who have provided such reviews/ ratings or against the Company or the Website for any loss of business, reputation, or any other loss arising out of such reviews or ratings provided by buyers and other Users in consideration of being allowed to participate in the website for the purpose of selling your items.
Refusal to sell: Once any User confirms a purchase in response to a listing made by you by making requisite payment through Payment on Billing, the sale is considered complete and all property and title in the listed item passes on to the buyer. You cannot refuse to sell the item or refuse to accept payment or fail to deliver the item after the payment has been successfully made and the Transaction is confirmed. In case of sale of item wherein the buyer has opted for Payment on Delivery as a payment method, the sale is considered complete and all property and title in the listed item passes on to the buyer only after payment of the Transaction Price and upon Delivery.
At no point you can sell the following Products on the Platform either as a seller:
• Animals and wildlife products
• Adult products and pornographic materials in any form.
• Alcohol & Tobacco
• Electronic surveillance equipment prohibited by law
• Embargoed goods from prohibited countries
• Firearms, weapons, and knives
• Any financial services including stocks and securities.
• Food and healthcare items without holding required permits as required by local laws
• Grey market products & fakes.
• Hazardous, restricted, or regulated materials
• IP in any form for which the Merchant do not hold the distribution rights
• Medicines & drugs that require a registered medical practitioner's prescription;
• Offensive material which is likely to offend the sentiments of people whether on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth, race, ethnicity, or culture
• Radioactive material.
• Sex determination Kit
• Real estate
• Stolen property/products.
• Any other sanctioned or prohibited items or services as per applicable laws; and
• Any other item deemed unfit by Company.
In addition to other prohibitions as set forth in the Terms of Service, you are prohibited from using the Platform or its content: (a) for any unlawful purpose; (b) to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts; (c) to violate any international, federal, provincial or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances; (d) to infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others; (e) to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability; (f) to submit false or misleading information; (g) to upload or transmit viruses or any other type of malicious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the Service or of any related Platform, other Platforms, or the Internet; (h) to collect or track the personal information of others; (i) to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape; (j) for any obscene or immoral purpose; or (k) to interfere with or circumvent the security features of the Service or any related Platform, other Platforms, or the Internet. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Service or any related Platform for violating any of the prohibited uses.